Future Projects
Dayton and regional history of the mid-west offer a number of interesting historical research opportunities for our students. While the DHP does not plan to focus sole upon Dayton or even mid-western history, studying local history provides an opportunity for the students to learn about the world surrounding them as well as easily visit nearby archives. Local historical research also allows the student to interact with community at large, and contribute to the cities fortunes. Among the many topics being considered for future classes are the following.
Coming Soon will be the DHP students Fall 2020 project: “The 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Dayton.” The students will study the impact of the pandemic on the city and region. They will examine the steps taken by the local government to protect the people in the city. They will explored school closures and participation of civic groups in helping to blunt the influenza’s negative effects.
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The current hope is that the websites built by the DHP will form a growing network of historical sites that highlight Dayton’s rich history. This network will form a “Dayton Digital History Trail” that residents or visitors can use to learn more about the fascinating past of the city and region.
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